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The Net Keeper A Fable About How the Fungi Came to Be By Diane Brooks Pleninger Artwork by Yuming Wang 30 pages with artwork on every page
Diane Pleninger grew up in Columbus, Ohio, and attended Wellesley College and Arizona State University, where she majored in English. She is retired from a forty-year career as a CPA. Her interest in fungi began in 1997, nurtured by the late Phyllis Kempton of Anchorage, Alaska, an amateur mycologist often called "the gray lady" of Alaskan mycology and a protege of Dr. Alexander Smith. Diane's stories for children have been published and anthologized by Cricket magazine. She has written award-winning essays for The Economist and the Templeton Foundation, drawing on her interest in mycology
Yuming Wang was born in Nanjing, China, and raised in Chiba, Japan. She is fascinated with nature and aspires to bridge science and the public using various visual media. As a big fan of anime and manga, she loves to draw fictional characters and imaginary landscapes as well. Yuming is currently an undergraduate student studying biology and art at Mount Holyoke College.
Medicine for Minds & Hearts: a MycoAnthology of poems inspired by a love of mushrooms Art Goodtimes and Wendy Videlock, Editors 86 pages Art Goodtimes Art Goodtimes of Norwood co-directs the Telluride Institute's Talking Gourds poetry project and is Poetry Editor for FUNGI. Art is a dedicated student of Dolores LaChapelle and her Way of the Mountain philosophy. He has been poetin-residence of the Telluride Mushroom Festival for 40 years, is a former newspaper editor, a retired Green Party County Commissioner, and a tireless advocate of all things mushrooms and all things poetry. His books are available where books are sold.
Wendy Videlock Wendy Videlock writes, paints, and teaches from the foot of Thunder Mountain in agricultural Palisade, Colorado. Her poems, essays, and reviews appear widely, most notably in Poetry, The New York Times, O Magazine, and Best American Poetry. Her award-winning poems have received critical acclaim, her books are available where books are sold and her paintings are featured in galleries across the Western Slope.
MycoEpithalamia: Mushroom Wedding Poems Art Goodtimes and Britt A. Bunyard, Editors 128 pages Art Goodtimes Art co-directs the Telluride Institute's Talking Gourds poetry project (, is Poetry Editor for Fungi, and co-hosts the Sage Green Journal on-line lit zine ( His latest poetry books are As If the World Really Mattered (La Alameda Press, Albuquerque, 2007) and Looking South to Lone Cone (Western Eye Press, Sedona, 2013). He has been a poet-in-residence of the Telluride Mushroom Festival for 36 years, and was named Colorado's Western Slope Poet Laureate from 2011-13. A former newspaper editor and retiring Green Party county commissioner, Art writes weekly columns for a local paper and performs his poetry widely in the Azlán bioregion.
Britt A. Bunyard Britt Bunyard is the founder, Publisher, and Editor-in-Chief of the mycology journal Fungi. Britt has worked academically (and played very amateurishly) as a mycologist his entire career, writing scientifically for many research journals, popular science magazines, and books, most recently Mushrooms and Macrofungi of Ohio and Midwestern States (2012) by the Ohio State University Press. He has served as an editor for mycological and entomological research journals, and mushroom guide books. A popular evangelizer on all things fungal, Britt has been featured on NPR's All Things Considered, National Geographic Magazine, PBS's NOVA television program, and in 2016 was made Executive Director of the Telluride Mushroom Festival.
Foraging with Jeeves & Other Offbeat Mycological Excursions Lawrence Millman 2023, 85 pages
This book defies any known genre, just as fungi often tend to defy our attempts to identify them. Think science (the Salem witchcraft fungus) followed by satire (a fungal Faust) followed by an account of what sort of fungi one might find in Antarctica. An element of humor pervades the book’s pages, as indicated by a remark one of its characters, the butler Jeeves, makes to his master: “Wit and mycology go together, sir.”
About the author: Mycologist-author-Arctic explorer Lawrence Millman has written 19 books, including such titles as Last Places, A Kayak Full of Ghosts, Our Like Will Not Be There Again, Lost in the Arctic, At the End of the World, Fascinating Fungi of New England, Fungipedia, and The Last Speaker of Bear. In addition to having a fungus named after him (Inonotus millmanii), he and fellow mycologist Bill Neill discovered a species, Echinodontium ballouii, that had been presumed extinct since 1909. He had done mycological work all over the world as well as in his own backyard of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
FUNGI Dancing Shrooms Men's Khaki Hat with Maroon Brim
FUNGI Dancing Shrooms Men's Khaki Hat with Denim Brim
FUNGI Dancing Shrooms Men's Khaki Hat
FUNGI Graffiti Heather-Black Hat
FUNGI Graffiti Charcoal Gray Hat

New! Fly-Fry-Die Mens and Ladies T-Shirt
Mens Ladies V-Neck
Mens and Ladies V-Neck Fly-Fry-Die T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
Amanita Muscaria Short Sleeve T-Shirt
Amanita Muscaria - Charcoal w/Three Color Ink Unisex T-Shirt Short Sleeve, Super Soft 100% Ringspun Cotton. Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
Amanita Muscaria Long Sleeve T-Shirt
Amanita Muscaria - Charcoal w/Three Color Ink Unisex T-Shirt Long Sleeve, Super Soft 100% Ringspun Cotton. Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
NEW! Dancing Shrooms Tie-Dye T-Shirts
New Color! Dancing Shrooms - Green Tie-Dye Unisex T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
New Color! Dancing Shrooms - Gray Tie-Dye Unisex T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
New Color! Dancing Shrooms - Red Tie-Dye Unisex T-Shirt
Ladies V-Neck Dancing Shrooms T-Shirt
Ladies V-Neck Dancing Shrooms T-Shirt Heathered Charcoal with White Print on Extra-Soft Cotton Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
Dancing Shrooms T-Shirt - Unisex
Dancing Shrooms White T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
Basidiomycetes T-Shirt
Basidiomycetes - Brown T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
Basidiomycetes - Tan T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
Basidiomycetes - Maroon T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print |
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Basidiomycetes - Glow in the Dark T-Shirt
Ascomycetes T-Shirt
 Ascomycetes - Brown/Blue T-Shirt
 Ascomycetes Tan/Green T-Shirt
Mycetozoa (Slime Mold) T-Shirt
Temporarily Out of Stock
Mycetozoa - Chocolate Brown T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
Lichens Haeckel T-Shirt
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Lichens Haeckel Brown T-Shirt Click Photo to View Close-Up of Print
- Quality Gildan T-Shirts
- 100% Cotton
- Machine Washable Prints
All T-Shirt Backs Are Printed With: (Back ink print color same as front color)
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